- Title: Assault on Wall Street
- Duration: 98 min.
- Country: Canada
- Director: Uwe Boll
- Script: Uwe Boll
- Year: 2013
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y-NqShTj5w
- Synopsis: Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose everything. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and goes to extreme lenghts to seek revenge for the life taken from him
'Banking and Finance' in the film
Scene 1: when Bud Fox organizes a campaign financial speculation to sink the shares of the company and force Gekko to sell them, achieving that an investor millionarie buys the company low cost and save it from bankruptcy.
In this scene we speak of financial speculation which involves participation in risky financial operations in order to take the short to medium-term advantage in the market value of an asset as the film mentions the case of real estate funds.
Scene 2: the scene when talk about subprime mortgages.
Subprime mortgages are subprime and usually do not have any collateral, so the probability that the purchaser does not pay the mortgage debt is very high. These mortgages were granted mainly for house purchase. Like any high-risk investment is also a high performance as an incentive to take the risk, these mortgages have a much higher than normal mortgage interest, so it is a big business for financial institutions that engage in this type of investment.
Scene 3: in the final scene, when Jim Baxford talks with the man who has ruined. In that moment, they talk about toxic assets, the risk premium, capitalism, the free market and the REITs (Real Estate Investments Trust), what really ruined him.
In this last scene we talking about the toxic assets that are very poor quality investments that are created from mortgages to people with little economic solvency. The value of these funds is almost zero or negative. The problem for financial institutions is having on their balance sheets a very high percentage of this type of damaged assets, which can lead to severe losses and place them in difficult economic situations to solve.
Personal commentary
Assault on Wall Street tells the story of Jim Baxford, who, like anyone, just pretend to be happy and create a family and earn money. At first, all was all right, social security pays, but everything has a limit. On this way, the film reflects that if you are too greedy, you end up with nothing: The first example is in the film because as a result of the financial crisis of 2008, Jim Baxford loses everything because all their savings are invested in real estate funds that did not end well.
In addition, another conclusión we get is that there is no avarice without penalty, so money can bankrupt you. In conclusion, the film seems to us so good to know better this economic world.
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