- Title: Capitalism: a love story
- Duration: 127 min.
- Country: EEUU
- Director: Michael Moore
- Year: 2009
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkTkYQkG13w
- Synopsis: Capitalism: a love story is a documental that try to teach how the governments and companies drive the people´s live. The American dream fades dangerously while families lose their jobs, their homes and the savings of their entire lives. To discover the real culprits of this planetary crisis, the director goes deep into the social strata of the United States, from the humblest homes to the government corridors in Washington. A documentary wondering what the price paid by the most powerful country in the world for its love of capitalism. Capitalism, a love story" is an analysis of the global crisis from the bowels of the great American corporations, but also a portrait of the families that have lost everything. All this in the shadow of the 14,000 jobs that are lost every day.
'Banking and Finance' in the film
The documentary shows us how the banking system works in our lives so its goes hand on hand with our subject about banking management.
Personal commentary
This documentary reflects the tragedy of capitalism with all its harshness and how this affects the poorest people, as the financial markets and the major economic powers handled the economy for their own benefit over economic rights belonging to everyone, the so-called American dream has gone to become a nightmare for many people , in United States the number of poor is increased and already are more than 46 million